NOTE: The Centre County puppy raising program was discontinued in 2020.

The Centre County 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy Raisers club is a collaboration between the SLSG, the Centre County 4-H and The Seeing Eye, Inc. (the oldest guide dog school in the world serving the visually impaired).


puppy Hudd at 9 weeks

the program

Club members provide foster homes for future Seeing Eye guide dogs from 8 weeks of age until they return to the Seeing Eye for formal training at around 15 months.  Host families teach the puppies some basic skills, and expose them to a variety of social environments to prepare them for the guide dog adventures that lie ahead.  Throughout the process, club members learn about responsibility, leadership and the importance of working together as a family.  


puppy circl

Monthly Meetings

The Puppy Raisers and their charges meet each month for some simple training and socialization.  Currently, meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Penn State Ag Arena.  They normally include "puppy circle" (pictured above), a question and answer session and a discussion of any upcoming club "business".


puppies in the bathroom in the BJC

Puppies at the Bryce Jordan Center

Each year the club takes the puppies to the Bryce Jordan Center for a Lady Lions basketball game.  It is great practice for the puppies.  They get to experience bathrooms, LOTS of steep stairs, slippery floors and many other fun things!